हिलसाइड कलेज अफ इन्जिनियरिङ्गको निरीक्षण

ऊर्जा मन्त्री बस्नेतद्वारा

MOU signed

Signing Ceremony

About Us

Hillside College of Engineering was established in 2012 by a group of visionary professionals and academicians involved in the field of engineering, science and management with the aim of addressing the higher education needs of the country. The College is affiliated to Purbanchal University and currently offers Bachelor Level course in Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering. The main aim behind the college establishment is to produce technically competent engineering graduates......

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Message From Chairman

Janardan Nepal

Chairperson Research based education is the foundation of Hillside College of Engineering which provides every possible opportunity to its students for developing their fullest potentials. We not only teach contents to students but also offer opportunities to apply them into practice through providing real life situation or by creating best simulating environment. Hillside has gained a good recognition in engineering community and among parents and students within a short span of time.This has been possible from the untiring dedication of our committed faculties and the devotion of weariless students.

Gopi Krishna Neupane

Managing Director Research based education is the foundation of Hillside College of Engineering which provides every possible opportunity to its students for developing their fullest potentials.

Er. Dr. Samit Thapa


Infrastructure development should be the top priority for the upliftment of the economy and improving the living standards of the people of a developing nation like Nepal.  


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